Magical Marsh - Album cover

The magical marsh is a fictitious place that I imagined superimposed on reality during the first lockdown: a place of dreams, of escape and reflection, of solitude too. From this dream and these thoughts a body of text was born, and this project (re)presents the attempt at visualising this journey. It is a matter of translating a set of colours, images, sounds and sensations that I have associated with the idea of this deserted palace, a place that is lived as both a refuge and a prison, the way I lived that first lockdown back in March: liberated and imprisoned.

To accompany the music videos created for each track, I created a concept art for the ‘album’, subtly alluding to how I see the Magical Marsh but distancing from the aesthetic used for the videos. Physically, it would accompany the viewing/displaying of the music videos; digitally it is used to present, introduce and promote the projec